h2-logoImportant Dates

All deadlines are at 23:59 AOE on the date indicated:

Full Papers
Short Papers
Workshop Proposals
Workshop Submissions

h2-logoPaper Types

Research Papers: A research paper describes a new algorithm, technique, system, or theory that have not previously appeared in the literature, or that significantly extended. The description provided in the paper should be complete enough that a competent/qualified graduate student in visualization could implement or apply the work and should provide an formal/informal evaluation and discussion regarding its strengths and weaknesses.

Experience Papers: An Experience paper reports on experience made during the applications of existing algorithms, techniques, systems, or theories as possibly alternative approaches to already researched problems in visual communication and interaction. This includes a description of a problem domain, data sets, the questions to be addressed, and describes the application to the task.

Tooling/Demonstration Papers: Papers in this category, apply existing and well known algorithms, techniques, or systems for visual communication and interaction in new application fields/domains or demonstrate specific technical aspects as well as customized software solutions. Submissions should address what will be learned from the demonstration.

Pages≤ 8≤ 4 *≤ 2

* An additional page containing only references is allowed.

h2-logoPaper Submission & Guidelines

Submissions that address research and development, and experience reports on the above topics are strongly encouraged. Papers can be submitted as full papers, short papers, and posters. Each submitted symposium paper will be peer-reviewed by at least three International Program Committee members. You are welcome to submit a paper to VINCI 2022. All accepted papers and posters will appear in the proceedings of VINCI 2022 published by ACM ICPS and made available in the ACM Digital Library (EI indexed). Authors of a number of selected full papers of high quality will be invited to prepare revised versions of their work for submission to a special issue of the Journal of Visualization (SCI indexed) and a special issue of the Journal of Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art.

All paper submissions should be made through the EasyChair (easychair.org) conference management system. The review process will be double-blind, thus submitting an anonymized version of your manuscript by removing all author and affiliation information from submissions and supplemental files as well as substitute your paper's ID number for the author name. All submissions Manuscripts must be written in English and formatted according to the ACM Proceedings Template (using sigconf format/template double-column style) and should consist of a single PDF file. Please note: the authors of accepted papers will be later requested to submit source Latex or Word files during camera-ready version submission. We appreciate the submission of videos or other supplemental material. Please provide supplemental videos in MPEG-4, and use PNG for supplemental images, both in sufficient resolution. In case of any questions related to the submission process or conference program, please contact the program chairs via vinci2022@easychair.org.

h2-logoScope & Topics

We solicit original, unpublished research papers that focus on all aspects of visual information communication and interaction, either via images, computer graphics, animations, virtual reality, web, or other visual media. Research papers should address cognitive and design aspects, underlying theories, taxonomies, implementation work, tool support, and case studies. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

  • Visual communication metaphors
  • Cognitive aspects of visual information comprehension
  • Empirical studies of novel visual metaphors
  • Visualization on artificial intelligence, machine learning and other fields
  • Explainable artificial intelligence
  • Aesthetics in visual communication and computational aesthetics
  • Influence of visual arts and design to visual communication
  • Information visualization and visual analytics
  • Visual approaches to knowledge discovery
  • Visual interaction through multimodality
  • Visualization on mobile devices
  • Graph drawing and network visualization
  • Visual modeling languages
  • Visual programming languages
  • Graphical user interface design
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Applications in SoftVis, BioVis, GeoVis, etc.

h2-logoWorkshops & Tutorials

VINCI '22 is also soliciting proposals for full-day or half-day workshops and tutorials on topics that address areas of interest to the community. In particular, workshop proposals should include:

  • A title and brief description of the specific issues that the workshop will address, the reasons why the workshop is of interest to VINCI, and the main research areas involved.
  • Contact information of the workshop chairs, their competence in the proposed topic(s) and previous experience in chairing scientific events.
  • A tentative list of program committee members.
  • Intended length (half or full day) and a draft of the Call for Papers.
  • It is expected that the workshop organizers will setup an own workshop web page as soon as the workshop proposal has been accepted.

Tutorials usually attract a broad range of audiences, including professionals, researchers, students, or practitioners, who wish to enhance their knowledge in the specific tutorial topic. Tutorials offer a unique opportunity to disseminate in-depth information on specific topics in visual information communication and interaction. Tutorial proposals should include short biographies of the proposers, a draft of the tutorial content, intended length, and evidence of the possibility of attracting audience to the tutorial.